We will keep your preferred times for one month. If after that time you haven't been matched, you will need to resubmit your details.
English Arch
Need someone to practise your English with?
Let us find you a Skype Buddy.
By providing an email address you consent to Durham School of English using it to contact you from time to time for marketing purposes. You can stop receiving our emails at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.
English Arch is a FREE online service, created by Durham School of English, that matches English learners so that they can practise their English together.
Tell us your English level and when you are free.
We'll match you with someone.
We'll give you and your partner questions to ask each other.
We'll give you a day and time to meet on Skype.
Continue meeting and speaking for free!
What will I talk about with my Skype Buddy?
Once you have been matched, you can download the question sets and materials below.
The self-study materials are designed to be used as preparation, before you talk about the topic with your partner.
Each set of questions lasts about 45 - 60 minutes. Take turns asking and answering.
Materials and questions created by Durham School of English © 2018
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